To celebrate the fact that we’ve retired from the wedding photography business (YAY!!!), Natalie and I wanted to go to the fair. She recommended the Del Mar fair, but we’d missed it. So we grabbed Nene and headed for Orange County instead.

Fair shuttles

Mammoth cow, $1 to see

Roasted corn!

Fried … everything. Avocados, Oreos, frog legs, Twinkies, hamburgers, s’mores … I wanted a fried Snickers, but we didn’t find one.

Elephant rides! $5

Funnel cake! I ate my funnel cake while we walked through the first prize display case. First prize for cookies and canning and baking and jewelry making. The first prize for all-metal jewelry went to a necklace shaped like a bomb. You pull off the “bomb” nose and inside it says “BAM!”

Petting zoo!