This is the view down to the harbor from one of the pedestrian bridges west of Balboa Park.

This trestle bridge was built in 1905.
This suspension bridge was built in 1912. It sways when you walk across it. (But I think it’s supposed to do that.)
Downtown, near the convention center.
This downtown sculpture pays tribute to Martin Luther King, Jr. with five hands spelling out “Dream” in sign language.
 The San Deigo Zoo!
 African and Asian elephants. You can tell by the shape of their ears.
 Rhino! We also looked for the hippo but got stuck going in circles in the vast maze by the aviaries.
 Sleeping koalas.
 Camel. This guy smells worse than he looks.
 Meerkat! Like Timone. 
 My favorite zoologists.
 Condors. They can have a nine-foot wingspan.
 Jaguar. Bronwyn called it over so I could get a better photo.
 Polar bear! (Jeff took this photo.)
 Mini crocodile. (Kelsi took this photo.)
 And of course no trip to San Diego is complete without a visit to Extraordinary Desserts.