We heard the sound of a speeding car, screeching tires, and then a loud crash. At first, it appeared that a Prius had spun out of control onto the sidewalk, smashing through a couple cars …
 … but then when we went to check the damage to the Mustang we saw that the Prius owner was one of the many people who had come out of the building to inspect the damage to the parked cars. It was then that we noticed another smashed car in the driveway of an apartment building across the street.
 Apparently the guy driving this car chose to become intoxicated and then to go wander the streets at high speed. He lost control coming around a curve and ended up here after bouncing off the parked cars. The driver seemed unhurt. We’re not sure he realize he’d crashed, though—he sounded like he thought he was still at a party.
Anyway, he ended up with a five-car crash, and three totaled cars. Apparently he cut across the four-lane road, broke his tire off in this SUV’s (foreground) wheel well, then spun into the Prius, knocking it onto the sidewalk, and pushing the silver car back and up onto the bumper of the Mustang. Normally I would be devastated at any injury of the Mustang, but it was hard to feel bad for myself considering the damage to the other cars. The Prius had been on lease for two weeks, and both the Prius and the silver car belonged to the same couple, who are now car-less. Their cars are totaled, the drunk driver’s car is totaled, and the SUV had some serious damage to its rear left side. Overall, I was really lucky—a couple bungee cords and some tape, and I was able to drive my car to the repair shop.