The line to get in. (This is the Sunday before Labor Day.)
 Whales hanging above the lobby.

 The first thing I remember seeing is a giant dome ceiling filled with fish.
 Then the jellyfish section!

 And then the giant tank with their new great white shark.
 The great white shark. He wasn’t as big as I thought he’d be, but apparently he is a juvenile.
 A scalloped hammerhead shark.
 This is the shapes of different types of seaweed carved out of plastic bottles.
 Anchovies! They look so frightened!
 Another giant tank.
 Fish on the tank window sill.

The aquarium’s back yard.
Then it was on to the “Secret Life of Seahorses” exhibit.

Flamingos! The next section was sort of a be-aware-of-climate-change catch-all exhibit.


Octopus! We got lucky enough to see him moving around and changing colors. It was hard to get photos, however, because of the massive crowd.

Sleeping otters.
Sun fish! In the gift shop.