I went to D.C. to visit Alyssa for the cherry blossom festival! We walked a lot. Alyssa walked 14 miles the first day (that’s a round-trip half dome hike) and I walked 11. Day 2 we each walked 6.5 miles, etc. The city was fantastic, the food was good, and the tour guide was marvelous as always!
This is the Shake Shack’s mushroom veggie burger. It is a cheese round covered with a layer of thinly sliced mushrooms then breaded and fried. The shakes are fantastic.
Capital Bikeshare! Rent a bike!
On the way to the fireworks … the waterfront.
The fireworks are pink, and the boats are decorated with pink lights for the cherry blossom festival.
Jefferson Memorial
Jefferson and Alyssa. This is a re-creation of a photo of Alyssa looking at an Assyrian guardian in the British Museum.
FDR Memorial
MLK Memorial
Lincoln Memorial
Easter brunch! My huevos rancheros from Kramerbooks & Afterwords Cafe.
The metro
The National Cathedral
Locals dressed in their Easter finery
Easter service
This tree fascinated me because the blooms grow on the underside of the branches.
A park in Georgetown
The Potomac!
Eastern market
“1908 Movie Industry Discovers Southern California”—a map of how Hollywood uses Southern California geography to shoot “locations” around the world. (Palm Springs is the Holy Land, for example.) Alyssa points at home, which, apparently is “Japan” at the foot of the “Alps.”
I would type the name of this place if I could pronounce or remember it. Bottom line is that this is where we bought our …
Raspberry tarts!
Alyssa’s backyard
Alyssa’s neighborhood
A park on the walk to Target
Dogwoods in the park!
The National Archives. The special exhibit that day was on Benjamin Franklin. The sign says “I spoke 5 languages … my pet squirrel ignored them all.”
The line for the National Archives. On a Monday. (But it is free!)

 Alyssa battles the 35 mph wind.

Botanic garden

The botanic garden featured orchids

The Library of Congress
The Supreme Court
Inside the Library of Congress
We The Pizza
For Nene—Department of Agriculture. They are growing stuff on their lawn!
Washington Monument
Cherry blossoms on the tidal basin. Unfortunately, it was a warm winter and there were no cherry blossoms for the 100th cherry blossom festival.

Concepcion W. Thomas has lived across the street from the White House doing a 24-hour a day antinuclear peace vigil since 1981.