New Year’s Eve in Marseille.
Leaving Cannes, and the delicious Jean Luc Pele macaroons.
The hotel in Marseille. Shower stalls are so overrated.
At midnight this courtyard erupted in Happy New Year cheers for about half an hour.
We arrived in Marseille in the late afternoon and sped-walked up a hill to catch the view from Notre-Dame de la Garde.
It was a steep hill.
Notre-Dame de la Garde.
The view from Notre-Dame de la Garde includes le Chateau d’If, the front-most island, made famous by  Alexandre Dumas’ the Count of Monte Cristo.
The colorful interior of the church includes strings of miniature boats hung from the ceiling.

Looking for a New Year’s Eve dinner.
The restaurants all had fixed menus and high prices, but they looked fantastic.
The port of Marseille.
We welcomed the New Year in our hotel room watching one of my birthday presents, a DVD of Disney’s Cinderella.