Happy birthday to Alyssa!

 Alyssa’s heavenly birthday pie.
 The Liberty Bell!
 “Irreparably Cracked,” the sign says. “The Liberty Bell’s famous gap–often called a ‘crack’ and running from lip toward crown–makes it instantly recognizable. That gap is really the result of an attempt to fix a thin crack that destroyed the Bell’s tone at some moment after the American Revolution. Exactly when that cracked developed is lost to history. The repair work dates to 1846. It failed when, as the Bell rang for George Washington’s birthday anniversary, the original crack reappeared and lengthened. It zig-zagged up toward the top of the Bell, silencing it–at least physically–forever.
 My delicious Jones huevos rancheros, sans the huevos and the queso.
 Independence Hall.
 Inside Independence Hall.
 Ocean City!

 The cat on the fountain near Betsy Ross’s house in Philly.
 The Scottish heritage sculpture.
 Happy birthday slippers!
Philly skyline.