The first Friday in June is National Donut Day! Krispy Kreme is giving away free donuts today, and Dunkin’ Donuts is giving away a free donut with a drink purchase. National Donut Day started in 1938 to honor the Salvation Army volunteers who came up with the idea of distributing donuts to World War I soldiers who lacked fresh baked goods.
 The Internet claims that Banbury Cross Donuts are the best in town. So I could have gone elsewhere for a free donut, but Krispy Kreme is a few towns away, and the Salt Lake City Dunkin Donut store has been falling from favor recently. (Their donuts always fell somewhere in between “meh” and “hard enough,” and they don’t carry bar donuts, but then they discontinued the toasted coconut donut. Game over!)
 Donuts flew off the shelf at Banbury Cross, and the phone rang regularly. These two guys filled orders, while the guy in the back with the “I’d flex but I like this shirt” shirt made more donuts. I asked what they recommended and they said chocolate or glazed. I feel like glazed is a good base test.
Banbury Cross did not disappoint. Even thought it was a couple hours right before closing, they handed me a warm donut that I’m pretty sure started to melt in my hand. The first bite dissolved like a warm Krispy Kreme donut, but this one tasted like it had way more butter in it. (Vegan fail.) Anyway, it was lightyears ahead of Dunkin’ Donuts, had all the good qualities of a Krispy Kreme donut, and had this added buttery/croissanty quality. The buttery-ness was a bit overwhelming by the end, so I can’t say it’s better than the Vertical Diner donut I had back in October (vegan win!), but it did make for a fantastic National Donut Day celebration.