The block U sits on a hill above campus. The first time I went to my advisor’s office I noticed that she has a fantastic view of the U from her window. It made me wonder if there is a way to get to the U.
Attempt 1: The U shows up on Google maps! What doesn’t show up is the fact that the neighborhood surrounding the U is a gated community.
Attempt 2: Hike in. I initially thought of taking the Bonneville Shoreline Trail up from the school, but eventually discovered that there is a little trail that drops down from the neighborhood above the U’s gated neighborhood. Here is the trailhead …
… and here is the trail …
… and here is the U! “University of Utah Block U: This landmark is lighted during athletics contests held on the University of Utah campus. Its lights flash in victory … and burn steady even in defeat. First constructed at this site: 1905; fabricated concrete: 1907; refurbished (lights added): 1969; rebuilt with new concrete, lighting, and erosion control: 2006.”
The Bonneville Shoreline Trail that comes up from school. In typical Utah fashion, there were people out on a weekend before 8 a.m. jogging this section of the trail as well as a section higher up.
Due to vegetation restoration, climbing the U from the bottom was off limits, so I wandered around to the side and found a trail that led up to the top of the U.
One of the U’s lights.
The right serif of the U, with the University in the background.
The University stadium in the back-left (with the red seats), and the Merrill Engineering Building (MEB) in the mid-ground (with the big parking lot). MEB contains the computer science department (my advisor’s office) and the wireless controls for the U’s 240 red and white lights.
Looking down the right side of the U to downtown. The U is 100-ish feet tall and has a surface area of 5,000-ish square feet.
Downtown Salt Lake City!
There is a Mustang in this shot.
The hills are covered in this cool wheat-looking stuff.

The view from the U—it starts with Salt Lake International Airport and the Great Salt Lake at the far right, then wanders through downtown and ends at the University.