Donut Falls is known as an easy hike to an awesome waterfall through a hole in a rock. So I wandered up Big Cottonwood Canyon to see if I could find it. (Since neither the road nor the trailhead are marked with words like “donut” or “falls.”) This is the spot where the main canyon road meets the road to Donut Falls.
 The aspens have vibrant little leaves on them. Since the hike is popular, the parking lot was full by the time I arrived (I left home at 8:33 a.m.), so I parked down in the main canyon and walked up through the aspens to get to the trailhead.
 A Donut Falls parking lot chipmunk! 
On the trail to the falls.
In the far background, you can see the bottom of the falls, but the trail to get up there was flooded. The group ahead of me (who looked like they knew what they were doing) attempted to cross the river and continue on the trail, but they eventually gave up. So I decided to attempt to see the donut part of the falls later in the season. (Maybe with water shoes.)