We started with the Kolob Canyons loop, where I parked next to this Mustang. The driver caught me and said, “If we had a white one, we’d be red, white, and blue.”
 Zion National Park. The high that day was 108 degrees, so we kept to the short hikes that involved water. This is the Virgin River on our way to the Emerald Pools.
 Weeping Rock. Water filtering through the sandstone oozes out the face when it encounters impermeable rock, making this naturally air conditioned overhang.
 The view down the canyon from Weeping Rock.
We finished the day hiking along the Virgin River to the entrance to the Narrows. People starting on the trail swapped their regular shoes for over-the-ankle water shoes and layered up for the shaded hike through 50-degree water. Maybe next time!
Zion squirrel!