Because it started snowing the night before I was supposed to fly out, and because I refuse to endanger the Mustang by driving it in snow, I had to do some fancy logistics work to get to the airport Thanksgiving morning (Priceline was involved, as was a hotel that put me up for the night, took me to the airport in the morning, and fed me a full complimentary breakfast that included a mountain of breakfast potatoes, all for about the same price as airport parking).

 When we pushed back from the gate, the captain informed us that we were driving to a remote de-icing station to get the ice removed from the wings and tail. This is the plane ahead of us in the de-icing line.
The ice on our plane. As soon as they were done de-icing, the captain flapped the wing flaps, making me wonder if he’d been unable to do it before.
Our neighbor plane getting de-iced, our plane getting de-iced, flying over Salt Lake City, flying over Southern California, and the ocean!