On Star Wars day May the 4th, the University of Utah class of 2017 graduated. The College of Engineering had their graduation the next day, but I skipped it.
 My graduation present from Nene! Very fitting for finishing video game school.
 Back at the Tulip Festival. We went and saw some of the places I missed the first time around.
 One of our goals over the weekend was to find the Poutine Your Mouth food truck, which proved to be a bit of a challenge. We finally tracked it down at Costco. This is Nene’s magic mushroom poutine–mushrooms and kale sauteed with onion, cheese curds, gravy, and perfectly crisp fries.
Wandering the hills by the block U. We headed down to the Bonneville Shoreline Trail just as it started raining. But it was still so much warmer than usual that I thought it was fantastic!