The plan was to spend a week living with my parents while I searched for an apartment. As soon as we arrived in California, I got on Zillow, Craigslist, and Westside Rentals and started making phone calls. Of the two people who called back, one said she had 100 people coming to look at her apartment listing. The the other said he could meet me that afternoon. Normally when I’m apartment hunting, I just go for the cheapest thing with a dishwasher. But after walking my target neighborhood, the dishwasher went out the window in favor of parking. There is none. On one street people were parking on the sidewalks. Fortunately, my afternoon appointment had a pocket listing with parking. So, the Friday before work started, my dad helped me move in.
Since I sold my TV stand in Salt Lake City, my parents designed this custom-built one.
After moving in, we were rewarded with Mumsey’s vegan pizza …
… and strawberry rhubarb crisp. (You can see the heavens opening and the angels singing here.)