My life is now a continuous game of “Why is that wet?” So you’ll remember that I went to the Tiny Beans Kitten Lounge a month ago. I didn’t intend to adopt kittens–I went to have a blissed-out hour away from work. But while I was there, one of the employees showed me pictures of these two fluffy white babies. “They are coming tomorrow,” she said. I couldn’t get them out of my head. It was one of those things where I was waking up in the middle of the night going, “I want them,” and I knew that more people were visiting the kitten lounge every hour and probably seeing the same photos.
So I started sending text messages and emails trying to find out how to adopt them. They didn’t end up at Tiny Beans, but at Kitten Rescue instead, and I wandered up to Atwater Village to visit them. (And discovered that there is a Hugo’s Tacos?!) I filled out the adoption application and got approval from their foster mother, did a home tour and got approval from the Kitten Rescue administrator (with recommendations to get a cat tree so they’d have something to climb), and then picked them up two weeks ago.
After hanging out with them for a few days, I decided to call them Violet and Hugo (yes, after the tacos, and because I had breakfast at Hugo’s restaurant the day I picked them up). They are brother and sister (born March 10), they are champion eaters, and their favorite activity is sprinting. Hugo is a dead-to-the-world sleeper on his back with his feet in the air, and Violet has a serious case of FOMO so she’s usually only partially asleep in case something interesting happens. (As I type this, Hugo is asleep on his back against my leg, and Violet is on my shoulder, but I can see in the screen reflection that her eyes are trying to stay open.) They are both cuddlers, like little purring fur-covered hot water bottles.
Here they are on their cat tree. It took them a bit to find it because they weren’t in the habit of looking up. Then once they found it, it took some time to learn to climb it. It is designed with staggered layers for easy climbing, but they would ignore the first step and try to claw their way up to the second level, which didn’t work until they built up some muscle. Now they run up and down the rope posts like pros.

A cat video!