The adventure begins! This morning I launched my digital nomading experiment–living for a couple months in each corner of the country. First up is a drive to Washington State, which I’m doing in three parts. Today was the first part: Long Beach to Sacramento.

I’ll admit that last night and this morning I was feeling ALL THE ANXIETY. What am I doing? Is this a terrible idea? Do I have the energy to pull this off? Who in their right mind attempts this with two cats? On the one hand, I spent the pandemic in a condo, and I need a change of scenery, but on the other hand I feel comfortable and safe in that condo.

I can’t say the anxiety has vanished yet, but it definitely got better as I drove, first in the Grapevine this morning (the green hills in the mist were beautiful), and then tonight when I took a walk to the American River (serene, magical) which is where I got the photo above.
I stopped for lunch at a Subway in Coalinga then drove to the cul-de-sac at the end of the street and munched my sandwich while sitting in the back of the Subaru and enjoying this view.
Sacramento is my last chance to eat at Plant Power for a while. But I have Plant Power at home, don’t I want something Sacramento-y? Enter The Burger Patch. It’s nearly identical to Plant Power (vegan burger place), but they have some cool extras, like …
… tots in addition to fries. And you can get cheese on your tots.
You can also get a shake that’s 50/50 chocolate and vanilla. It’s frosty-style with the tiniest ice slivers in it, and it is really delicious.
My Sacramento Airbnb is near the Glenbrook Park river access, so after dinner I took the trail down to the river.
The River! In preparation for this trip I read Where I Was From by Joan Didion, and she mentions that she learned to swim in this river. (Well, this and the Sacramento River.) It was cool to pair a visual with her description.

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