This is a cookie! Centralia cookie master Ashlee Christman won the Food Network’s Christmas Cookie Challenge in 2020 because of her detailed work, and you can visit her shop to see/taste the magic in person.
Not surprisingly, it’s a popular Saturday morning activity, especially on Mother’s Day weekend! Nene and I got in line about 45 minutes before the shop opened, and we were able to snag some of the gorgeous cookie sets (Nene said she missed out last time).
The line behind us.
Almost inside!
Made it!
Some cookie shop details.
Ashlee and her mom were there, taking everyone’s cookie order (Ashlee’s mom) and checking us out (Ashlee).
We ended up with two cookie sets, a “MAMA” set, and …
… a MOM set. This was probably our favorite set to photograph. The details! The complexity! It’s gorgeous.
Once we got our cookies, we walked the line to see how far back it went.