It’s been over a decade since I was last at Pike Place Market, and I caught myself going prehistoric: There used to be an elevated highway here! Back in my day this gum wall was one section, on only one side of the street! There didn’t used to be a line for Starbucks!

But the truth is that the waterfront looks great without the highway, and there was probably always a line for Starbucks. (The expanded gum wall is way gross though lol.)
So it was a lovely afternoon eating piroshky and overlooking the waterfront. (The sun even came out for a few minutes! The literal sun. Although I thought these posters were cool, too.)
The fish stall had drawn a crowd with their order-shouting.
The peonies were there in force, in all the colors and various stages of blooming (the flower vendors were asking customers how open they wanted their bouquets).
The line for Starbucks.
The gum wall has grown!
All that fresh gum.
The new view of the waterfront. The extra space adds a lot!