La Push is on the Pacific Ocean at the mouth of the Quillayute River, so it has a beach in two directions. (La Push is our attempt to pronounce the French phrase for “the mouth.”)
This field of flowers was on La Push Road on the way to the beach.
La Push is also known for being the place that vampires don’t go in the Twilight series. Although I’m not exactly a Twilight fan, I watched the first movie recently-ish, so I got a kick out of these signs at the 3 Rivers Resort. (Apparently the movie wasn’t actually filmed in La Push though.)
Rising water levels are threatening La Push to the point where they started relocating buildings further away from the water. (Supposedly they started with the elementary school in 2017.)
This is First Beach! On the left is the sand facing the Pacific Ocean, and on the right is the mouth of the river.