Cape Flattery is the most northwest point in the contiguous United States. The ocean is wearing down the sandstone, which is where the caves come from.
You can drive most of the way, but then you have to do a short hike to the point itself.
A lot of the hike (especially toward the end) is on this cool boardwalk.
Cape Flattery is a good hour off the 101. It’s only 45-ish miles, but the road is full of tight turns, and it takes a while.
I was about halfway down the road to Cape Flattery when it started to feel familiar, and I realized I’d been there before. (In college, and it is FAR from college. So sidenote to say thanks Josue for driving us all over the PNW.)
The sun came out while I was there, and it was delightful.
James Cook named Cape Flattery in 1778 because of “a small opening which flattered us with the hopes of finding an harbour.” (And the Wikipedia article didn’t say who’d named it before him, or what its name was.)
At the end of the mainland you can see Tatoosh Island with the Cape Flattery Lighthouse on it.