Central Park was high on my New York to-do list, maybe even at the top. I didn’t get to do a thorough tour, more like cut the corner on my way downtown, but now I can say I’ve been there!
This is just called “The Lake,” which I guess you can do when you’re New York. And that’s the Bow Bridge in the background.
Some skyline across the lake.
This part of the lake is called Bank Rock Bay.
It has an adorable footpath!
Heading south, toward the park exit.
Some of the park-facing buildings. The weather is in the low 80s, but the humidity makes it feel like you’ve climbed into an oven and closed the door behind you. It’s 80 degrees at 7 am. The subway stations are “hotter than hell,” as one Google reviewer said. Wearing pants or a long dress is something you’ll regret. To a west-coaster it’s remarkable, stifling, dehydrating, unimaginable, unbearable heat, but the New Yorkers were out running and biking like it was a mild day with a cool breeze. So next on my New York to-do list is to learn how to humid.