Central Park! Again! I’ve done the southern half now. Maybe in two more trips I can see the whole thing!
The Angel of the Waters statue. It was created by a woman! She was the first woman to receive a public commission for a major work of art in New York City (just after the Civil War). People thought the angel look too much like a milkmaid at first, but now it’s one of the most iconic images in the park.
I’ve seen the terrace in movies, but I thought it was a re-creation of something historic that doesn’t exist anymore. There can’t be anything that fancy in a public park! That doesn’t seem like the way kids are doing things these days!
The Literary Walk. It’s lined with statues of famous British writers (Robert Burns, Sir Walter Scott, Shakespeare).
They also have a women’s rights pioneers statue! It shows the three women collaborating, each having a specific role (speaking, writing, organizing) and taking up equal amounts of space.
Gapstow Bridge.
The city skyline above Gapstow Bridge.
If you hire a pedicab tour, this is one of the stops.
The dairy! It was originally opened in 1871 as a restaurant and is now a visitor center/gift shop.
Driprock Arch.
The boathouse. I feel like I’ve seen this in a lot of movies as well. There’s a (definitely not vegan) restaurant inside.