I’ve heard of the Met, and knew it was arts-associated, but I didn’t realize it was THE art museum in New York.
It was also Alyssa’s top recommendation the last time I asked her about must-sees in New York.
I started in the Roman/Greek section, and I looked at EVERYTHING.
Next was the Egypt section. This is Hatshepsut.
A long time ago, like 10 or 15 years, Alyssa gave me a postcard with this blue hippo on it. When she recommended the Met as a must-see, she said, “I think the hippo is there.” So that’s why I planned to look at EVERYTHING. I needed to find the hippo. I found it! It’s in the Egypt section!
Also in the Egypt section.
The Met is in Central Park, and it has a couple rooms with huge windows that look out at the park.
There’s a lot of hippos! Fortunately (for you) I’m only posting two of the hippo photos I took.
The American section.
This is the facade of the Branch Bank of the United States. It was demolished in 1915 and moved here apparently, as an example of Greek Revival-style architecture.
This armor is from Milan, around 1600.
The British section! They get teapots.
And lapdogs.
And mid-1700s fashion.
I spent so much time looking at everything in the Greek/Roman/Egypt sections that I had to fast-walk through the impressionists.
They have one of the water lilies! (Monet completed 12 paintings of this spot.) This one is unique because of its vertical orientation that shows more of the pond’s reflection.
It’s closing time, so I headed down to the gift shop.
They have the hippo as book ends! I plan to go back for them.