The last port on the cruise was the MSC Marine Reserve, Ocean Cay.
The island was originally an aragonite sand mine until MSC came in and replaced 7,500 tons of scrap metal and debris with 75,000 trees and shrubs.
They also relocated 400 coral reefs to the water surrounding the island, and now the area is 64 square miles of protected coral nursery.
And since the island is sort of splat-shaped, it has a series of stunning beaches. This is Sunset Beach.
There’s still shells on the beach! This shell was in the shallow water at Sunset Beach. There’s even pieces of brain coral.
Rock sculptures on the beach.
We spent the morning on the beach, went back to the boat for lunch, then spent the afternoon on the beach.
It was sort of the perfect day.
I don’t think the island’s snack shops had vegan options.
This is a wall at the lighthouse’s snack shop. It was a good last day of the trip.