Your legs will give out long before you can see everything at the Met, but I’m trying to systematically cover the map and see a little bit more each time I visit. I haven’t gotten very far. This time was special though, because I got to go on the roof and …
… The Starry Night was in town.
From the comments I overheard, I suspect any one of these visitors could give a fascinating art history lesson about the piece.
It’s mesmerizing to see in person, not gonna lie. You can see the actual paint strokes sticking out and thicker paint around the moon.
Having Van Gogh in town meant I had the rest of the museum to myself. (Also I was there really early.)
The Horse Fair by Rosa Bonheur. Dressed as a man to avoid attention, Bonheur sketched this scene twice a week for a year and a half to finish the painting. It was a gift to the museum from Cornelius Vanderbilt.
A 13th century rooster-headed ewer from Iran.
Van Gogh’s Roses.
Medieval Islamic jewelry.
The roof! The Met had just posted an Instagram video on how to get to the roof, so I thought I’d give it a try.
It’s a delightful view.