I’m not sure if the pizza is actually good or if it’s just nostalgia for the bready pizza of my childhood, but Vegan Pizza LB is my favorite pizza in Long Beach. Vegan pizza is hard to do well, apparently. So far only The Pie Pizzeria in Salt Lake City has nailed it, and I’m constantly trying to recreate their vegan BBQ Beef Pie whenever I encounter a build-your-own pizza option on a menu. So this is my attempt at a BBQ beef pizza in Long Beach, and while it’s not exactly like the one in Salt Lake City, it’s not too shabby.
At the moment, Vegan Pizza LB operates out of Jug Band Coffee and Tea, which also has vegan options.
They have instruments on the walls, and you’re allowed to take the instruments down and play them.
I love the shop’s blue and gold paint–I think it’s the prettiest in the neighborhood–but according to their Instagram page the local neighborhood association gave them grief about it.
The one time I went for not-pizza I tried the breakfast burrito. It is really good! Lots of flavor! It got to be a bit much toward the end though, like if vegan food could clog your arteries this burrito would be something your doctor would warn you about. I know it’s vegan, though, because they had to make it twice so they double-checked. (Someone else grabbed the first burrito thinking they were picking up their non-vegan burrito. So yay for accidently spreading the plant-based lifestyle!)