Back to Nene visit! (We did do other things besides eating.) I couldn’t remember what I’d shown her on previous visits, and so we wandered over to Naples while we waited for some Belmont Shore shops to open. Fortunately, she hadn’t been to Naples yet! This is the Rivo Alto Canal that runs around one of the three islands that make up the Naples neighborhood in Long Beach. (You too could live along this canal for anywhere from $4-7 million.)
In the early 1900s a man named Arthur Parsons raised $500,000 to develop the swamp at the mouth of Alamitos Bay. Construction workers forged three islands from the existing marshland, and now we have Naples, California. In the middle of the central island is a small park with a fountain in the center.
One of the things that plagued us during Nene’s visit was the weather. It was freezing with unusually harsh wind (but the clouds looked cool). So we planned our imaginary Naples home purchase based on which homes were sheltered from the breeze.