So my dad told me to be downstairs for a birthday experience at 8:30 am on Boxing Day. At 8:22 we were standing in the driveway when I heard the something exciting in the distance. It sounded like this:

 My dad in his 50 years Mustang shirt and Monty. Monty is married to one of my dad’s colleagues and got this 2017 Mustang in September.
 Monty is (among other things) a gerontologist, which means that he understands that you should buy the Mustang while you’re still young enough to enjoy it. I’m going to take that to heart. He makes an excellent point.
 The first thing Monty did to the Mustang was make several improvements, so we started with a tour before we took a ride.
 The white lettering on the tires is custom, as is the red dot in the “5.0”
 The Mustang will project “Mustang” onto the asphalt in the dark.
 So my dad asked his colleague to ask her husband if Monty would be willing to show off the Mustang to his Ute daughter (Monty is an alum! He lived in Murray!) in exchange for a trip to Starbucks. When we got to Starbucks however, Monty said, “I don’t need to stop. Do you guys need to stop?” We considered the prospect of leaving the exhilarating interior of the Mustang and said, “Nope!” My dad took this photo.
 Before all the Mustang excitement, we had my favorite biscuits-and-gravy breakfast.
 At some point we had lunch!
 Then we headed for Cabazon. I always joke that people arrive by the tour-bus load, but that is painfully literal on the day after Christmas. It felt like a combination of Disneyland and trying to park at Salt Creek Beach after noon.
 The line to get in to shop at Tory Burch. 
 Yes, that is a Rolls-Royce stopping in the middle of a busy entryway to unload its passengers. The traffic director behind me is screaming at them.
Tesla parking!