For Mother’s Day, Park Side Cafe had a special nine-item, take-out, you-cook brunch menu. We pre-ordered (Lion’s Mane Crab Cakes with microgreens and hollandaise sauce, and Limoncello Cashew Cheesecake) and went to pick it up for our Saturday dinner. It was delicious.
This is not Park Side Cafe. But it’s nearby and had a bunny in the yard, so it’s in the blog!
At first I felt disillusioned that you had to cook it yourself, but then I realized it’s significantly tastier when it’s hot off the grill. (And Nene did all the cooking, so there’s that.)
Here are the crab cakes post-grilling.
Nene plates the crab cakes.
And finally, the cheesecake. It was good (especially the crust).