I thought I’d go back through my photos from the three weeks with Nene and pick some highlights to paint a picture of life in Centralia. But it turns out I only took photos of 1) our cats or 2) neighborhood flowers. But here are the photos!

First up is Hugo and Violet hanging out in the window of their bedroom. Violet has just realized that if she jumps out of the window onto the grass below that it’s too high for her to jump back. (Hugo is comforting her post-rescue.)
This is Nene’s cat Hamlet. Hamlet is a girl cat, but no one knew that until after she was named. But we didn’t want to be conventional anyway!
This is Marmite and Bug. They don’t want to admit it, but they are buddies.
Marmite has a big personality. He’s solid muscle, but has the smallest meow and the loudest purr. If there’s no room on the couch for cuddles, he makes room by turning to liquid and filling in the gaps. Of the eight souls living in the house, he was the only one without the ability to feel anxiety, guilt, or remorse. Also, he loves cat food.
Hugo oscillated between hiding in his anxiety corner in the back of the closet and having the zoomies at 4 am. Here he is trying to get me out of bed at an ungodly hour (left) and sitting in his favorite chair (right).
Most evenings we took Sam the dog for a walk while we marveled at the neighborhood in springtime.
Neighborhood flowers.
We also saw this unicorn stuck to the hood of a Ford truck on one of our neighborhood walks.
These are flowers from Nene’s backyard.
This is my stuff all packed up and ready to move to Lakewood for the summer. While I was staying at Nene’s I got to work facing this lilac window view, which wasn’t distracting at all.