Waiting for the movie to start in the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion.
They had free snacks and drinks for pre-movie eating.
The wrap party was also in the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion just outside the theater.
We’ve learned to head straight for the food and then grab a seat before things fill up.
This year’s food was garden-y, and really delicious. I’m not usually one for cooked carrots, but these were the perfect texture (even the green tops) and had great flavor.
We got wooden plates and sporks to hold our vegan wild mushroom spinach ravioli, honey-roasted baby heirloom carrots, and farro and quinoa salad with black Tuscan kale, carrots, yellow beets, radishes, and walnuts.
The dance floor early in the evening.
Out on the second floor deck.
City Hall.
In the Founder’s Room.
Part of the fun of a Disney movie is the excellent work by the cast. Most of the cast attended the premiere, and some brought spouses. Overall I feel there are few experiences in life as delightful as watching a Disney movie for the first time, and Zootopia certainly does not disappoint.
The second floor wrap party from the third floor.