So the goal is to see all 50 states, and we’re down to the ones in the Midwest. We noticed that you can fly to Indianapolis, Indiana, and do a round-trip loop that will include five states total (five new states for me, and four new states for Jeff). So after our Southwest adventure, we caught a plane to Indianapolis, rented a car, and started driving.
We left Salt Lake City early and got to watch sunrise from the plane.
It doesn’t look like Salt Lake City has direct flights to Indianapolis, so we had a layover in Denver for breakfast. This is the waiting area for trains to other terminals.
A 1933 StutZ DV32 Hollywood Sedan welcomes you to Indianapolis International Airport (voted “Best Airport in North America” in 2010, 2011, 2013, and 2014). Apparently Indianapolis used to be the “automotive capitol of the world.”
There is vegan food even in the Midwest. This delightful downtown market had Greek food, pretzels, and Three Carrots with tasty tofu salad.
The market interior.
We rented a Nissan Versa with a curly license plate from Wisconsin.
Wandering downtown Indianapolis.
The Indiana State Capitol.

In the Indianapolis airport. The plaque reads “Electroland Connections, 2008. LED lights, sounds, tracking and computer programming.” You can see the white motion trackers high up on the walls.