Beautiful downtown Tacoma!
The Bridge of Glass opened in 2002 with three glass installations by Dale Chihuly. It’s 500 feel long and crosses the 705. At one end is the train-station-turned-courthouse, and at the other is the Museum of Glass.
Trains made Tacoma a big deal back in the day. (The city was the end of the line for the Northern Pacific railroad.) The Union Station building was completed in 1911 and became a courthouse in 1992. These days the Chihuly bridge runs alongside so you can get a great view.
One section of the bridge has cubbies filled with glass sculptures.
There’s a replica of the liberty bell between the courthouse and the interstate. (Apparently the original bell visited Tacoma on a train tour in 1915.)
The view from the other side of the bridge.
The glass museum gift shop!
And finally, a shot from the gift shop at the Tacoma Art Museum.