The “Midway Bear” in Zermatt’s entrance. “Midway resident, Henry Kohler of Swiss descent brought smiles to the faces of many people. He enjoyed dressing up as a bear every year in the Swiss Days Parade, playing his accordion and singing in German, which he learned on an LDS mission in Switzerland. Henry died December 8, 1999, at the age of 83.”
 Zermatt’s main entrance with the adventure shop and bakery to the left.
 A gingerbread replica of the resort in the lobby (complete with scarf-wearing bear).
 The lounge overlooking the lobby.
 Daddy on the miniature golf course, guarding treats from the bakery.
 From the bakery: a key lime pie square, a flourless chocolate cake, a passionfruit cake, a chocolate-filled chocolate eclair, and some sort of pepperminty custard-filled flaky goodness.
 The you’ve-been-warned-about-the-arsenic natural hotspring.
 Deer tracks on the miniature golf course.
 The exercise room.

 The view from the exercise room’s treadmills.
 One of the locker rooms, complete with swan-shaped towels.
 The relaxation room.
 The indoor-outdoor pool. The indoor pool’s hot tub sits below an indoor waterfall.
The view from our condo.