We did two rides: 22 miles on the Jordan River Parkway Trail in the morning, then 6 miles on the Provo River Parkway in the afternoon.
 My bike riding was sponsored by Nene (who sent me this side-loading camera bag that allowed me to take my SLR on the Provo River Parkway) …
 … and Steven, who sent three self-sealing tubes so that my tires wouldn’t go flat on the morning ride. (I’ve taken to calling the Jordan River Parkway Trail “goathead trail.”) We saw several people changing flat tires, and my dad even had his front tire go flat toward the end, but I finally gained victory over the trail because Steven kept my bike rolling despite the punctured tires.
 We started our day at Banbury Cross Donuts.

 I noticed this tree in my apartment building’s parking lot while we were getting ready to go.
 On the Jordan River Parkway Trail.

 We took the trail south and then turned around at this waterfall somewhere near Murray.
 My dad’s front tire went flat while we were looping through the International Peace Gardens, so I thoughtfully documented the scenery rather than trying to be helpful with the tube swap.

 The afternoon ride on the Provo River Parkway, past Bridal Veil falls.

 Some Provo culture, “Texas donuts.”
 Dinner at Gourmandise, the mind-blowing, mouth-watering bakery in Salt Lake City. (They had a vegan salad! And my dad got a panini sans cheese. Both were delicious.)
And my definitely not-vegan peach. It’d seen it last time I was at Gourmandise, and it has haunted me since then, so I decided to try it (delicate sugar-coated pastry soaked in peach juice, cream filling, almond-fondant-type-stuff as the leaves, and candied ginger as the stem).