If you like long-wait gelato and getting caught in the rain, this was the evening for you! Alyssa and I noticed Anita Gelato a couple weeks ago because of the line down the block. I looked it up later, and they have vegan options!
The vegan options! Caramel cookies mousse, chocolate cookies, dark chocolate, limoncello, watermelon mint, mango, and strawberry.
The line was about half a block, it was slow-moving, and New Yorkers were having none of it. “A line?! And it’s not even that good. It’s overhyped.” In Los Angeles a line is how you know it’s good. We want to wait in a line.
And it was AMAZING. When I asked for a cone (they’re vegan) of watermelon mint, the server said, “You can do two flavors with a cone.” Okay! She recommended limoncello or pineapple and ended up giving me both. Then the first cone cracked, so she gave me a second cone. And the gelato was good, it might be the best thing I’ve had in New York so far (that or the bagel). It had tons of flavor and tiny fruit zest pieces in it.

When I stepped outside it had started raining. But it was still warm, probably 75-80 degrees. So I wandered home slowly, flip-flops drenched, enjoying my three-flavor, two-cone gelato. It was a good evening.