I’ve learned about new food in New York (there’s whole articles listing the best places for mapo tofu, a food I’d never heard of). One is dosas, a South Indian rice and lentil crepe. Here it is Pondicherry style, filled with potatoes and fresh vegetables, and served with coconut chutney and a side of lentil soup.
It also happens to be served from a vegan food cart! In Washington Square Park! This is NY Dosas.
It’s popular, especially with the NYU students from across the street. (It’s relatively cheap and healthy.)
The legendary dosa man himself, Thiru Kumar. He immigrated from Sri Lanka in 1995, then in 2001 started a pushcart for NYU’s health-conscious international students who were having trouble finding vegan food. These days NY Dosas is in guidebooks and won a Vendy Award for best street food vendor.