Cadillac Mountain is arguably the main attraction in Acadia National Park. It’s so popular that you need reservations to drive to the 1,530-foot summit.
Most people scramble to get early reservations so they can watch the sunrise. (For part of the year it’s the first place the sun rises in the United States.) Those reservations were long gone by the time I got to the website, so I booked 4 pm (hoping the light would be better).
The light was great! The view was great! There’s two parking lots at the summit so you can see both sides.
Cadillac Mountain is not named for the car, but after French explorer Antoine de la Mothe Cadillac. (The car is also named after him, since he founded Detroit.) Antoine wasn’t actually part of the Cadillac family, and he adopted the name (from a village near where he grew up) when he arrived in North America.