The Cross Sound Ferry goes from New London, Connecticut, to the hamlet of Orient on Long Island. I could have driven to Long Island (with a bit of backtracking), but this looked more fun.
The New London waterfront.
The mural near where I parked to explore the New London waterfront.
Ferry time!
When I drove on board, the ferry employee went over to the passenger side of the Subaru and folded my sideview mirror in. He then had me hug the wall so tightly that I was sure something would scrape. Turns out it was because they put the Ford Expedition-type vehicles in the lane next to us. It was so tight that we (the tiny SUV owners) could not get back into our cars (from either side) when we returned to our vehicles, and we had to wait by our bumpers until the Expedition lane had exited the ferry.
Looking back at New London.
Our wake in the Thames River. (Yes, it’s called the Thames.) The bridge in the background is the Gold Star Memorial Bridge, and it’s how drivers on the 95 south get into town. (There’s also a lower bridge, the Thames River Bridge, for Amtrak.)