Josh and Traci were kind enough to drive me from Salt Lake City to Walla Walla! And this was the view as we approached the last range of hills before the valley. The weather lives up to its reputation …

… but in reality, the weather was fantastic the whole time I was there. (You can’t have rainbows without rain, eh?)

Someday we’ll meet in Moab.

Sister made me delicious vegan stroganoff with asparagus and FriChick. So. Good. A trip to Walla Walla is really about the food, I don’t care what they say.

Running errands with Josh.

My reading buddy.

Nene, a baguette, and I did a dessert tour of downtown. This is the pear almond tart from the restaurant formerly known as Merchants (now Olive Marketplace and Cafe).

Trying the macarons at a cupcake shop.

Food win! at Maple Counter. My coconut pancakes with citrus syrup and a side of breakfast potatoes.

Steven’s veggie burger and waffle fries.

Nene’s berry bowl. (Those condiments are whipped cream, powdered sugar, and cream.)

Another food win at the Olive: asparagus soup with truffle oil.

Bennington Lake! It has less water in it than the last time I saw it.

I think Ben is the only person I’ve been putting on my blog recently. But I guess no one else is as cute.

Thai food in College Place at Bangkok 103 Cafe. Fantastic pad Thai, and a good way to end the trip.
But the best way to end the trip is a maple bar (poking its nose out of the bag) from Roger’s Bakery. I forgot how soft these are!

My nieces see a bug.