First, I am in awe of the Salt Lake City firefighters. Second, I have decided to get renter’s insurance.

When I heard firetrucks on Sunday, I didn’t think much of it. But suddenly it dawned on me that there were a lot of them, and they were stopping nearby. So I opened the blinds in the living room and saw the vacant, still-under-construction apartment building across the street engulfed in leaping flames.The hour-long fire caused an estimated $2.5 million in damage, and an electrician has been arrested on suspicion of arson. The apartment developers plan to rebuild.

Here is the news article.

 The view from my apartment.
 There is a person at the top of this crane. People could feel the heat half a block away–I can’t imagine what it was like to be up close.
The news van had to park in our apartment complex’s parking lot since police closed the street.
Sparks in the smoke cloud. Firefighters evacuated a nearby grocery store (Smith’s) and sprayed down the roof to keep the sparks from starting new fires.
 The view from my window the next morning. The heat melted the crane.
The view from the Smith’s parking structure the next morning. Workers razed the top stories later that day to make it safe for investigators to go in the building.