Ironically the rental car (which was picked up at PHL) was from California! This is the parking lot of a diner. Since we were still getting over our pre-Christmas food poisoning, Jeff and I visited diners to eat toast and potatoes. But by the end of the trip we were almost back to normal.
This arcade in the Deptford mall has been there since Jeff’s youth.
A spur-of-the-moment trip to the shore. We stayed just long enough to grab Mack and Manco.
The shockingly empty boardwalk. The few people we did see darting around also had pizza boxes.
Donuts! (And later, pretzels, but apparently I was too busy nibbling to take a photo.)
Seasons 52 and their fantastic vegan sampler. Stuffed mushrooms, tofu with mango chutney, golden beets, broccolini, roasted red pepper, a salad and a soft taco.
Their little desserts! This is the peanut butter chocolate one, but they also had s’mores, pecan pie, and fresh fruit. Because they heard it was my birthday and our first time there, we got dessert on the house!
You know how they have a car in the mall sometimes? Well the Cherry Hill mall’s car is a Maserati. With a bow on top. Times five.