St. Paul’s Chapel (completed in 1766) is the oldest church in Manhattan and New York City’s oldest public building in continuous use. It’s part of the Trinity Church parish.
In addition to being old, it’s notable as an example of Georgian architecture. (Think St. Martin-In-The-Field in London.)
When it was completed, it was the tallest building in town.
Additionally, it’s notable for being in the backyard of the World Trade Center complex and surviving 9/11 without even a broken window. It served as a staging area for rescue and medical crews. It was inundated with dirt and smoke, though, which damaged the organ (but it’s been refurbished).
After the September 11 attacks, St. Paul’s sister church in London, St. Mary-le-Bow, gifted the Bell of Hope to the chapel’s yard. The bell is run every year on 9/11.