Found the vegan beignets! They’re at a place called Meals From the Heart Cafe in French Market.
French Market runs for five blocks along the Mississippi River.
Native people started the marked in 1791, making it one of the oldest markets in the United States.
Found Meals From the Heart!
Crossing Esplanade Avenue. There was a man using his one leg to pull himself and his wheelchair forward who’d stopped on this island to rest. When I started to walk past him, he apologized for blocking the space. “I’m so sorry, excuse me!” I’m starting to think people in New Orleans are extraordinarily nice and polite. Strangers say good morning. It’s the only Airbnb where I’ve met the neighbors. It’s the only place someone has seen me unloading the Subaru and offered to help. When I went to get takeout from the restaurant across the street, they poured me a glass of ice water and sat me down at the bar where the Parisian bartender caught me up on his travel history and his love of Los Angeles.