We started in Portland, at Aunt Dorane’s Bed & Breakfast.

Then we drove along the Columbia River gorge to Walla Walla.
I hang out with married people!
… and photo people!
Legend says that the Twin Sisters are actually Cayuse Indians turned into basalt pillars by their jealous husband, Coyote, so that he could watch over them forever.
The gorge!
Setting up the Jeep glamor shot.

I’ve missed Clarette’s so much!
Jeff’s pumpkin pancakes with a side of hash browns.
My featherbed eggs.
Josh and Traci own grapevines!

And they were kind enough to give us a delicious jar of grape juice.
Maple Counter Cafe is new (to me). And as much as I hate to admit it, I think it edges out Clarette’s for best breakfast place, which is miraculous. But the food was fantastic.
My blintzes, infused with a hint of maple, were amazing.
Steven’s plumb pudding, in a mini Mason-style jar.
Apple picking!

Mongolian! We also went to Ice-Burg, but were too hungry to take photos.

Breakfast on our last day was at Roger’s Bakery & Cafe. All-in-all, an amazing food trip.

A cat with short legs.

Jeep in the dirt!