At the Philadelphia International Airport’s Hertz lot.
 This is what we actually rented. That orange glow on the right side is called sunrise. Yes, RISE. Definitely something I haven’t seen recently.
Right from the beginning our fantastic Nissan Versa (which had some remarkable dents in its body) started to make an awful scraping noise during braking. Or while going slowly. Or when hitting minor bumps in the road. (More on that later!) Anyway, I suspect it jumped a guardrail while caught in a phenomenal hail storm.

 Ocean City!
 After a nap, we woke up to THIS! World’s best pizza. Just look at the swirly cheese. This is why I know I’ll never be 100% vegan.
 Formerly known as Mack & Manco, the new name hasn’t changed the good food.
 Jersey tomatoes. (And we had corn, too!) There’s nothing better than fresh bagels from a local deli, cream cheese, sliced tomatoes, and a little salt.
 The view from the screened-in porch of our second-floor flat. 
 The owners thoughtfully provided binoculars and a bird book.
And for the highlight of the day, I took a picture of lightning!! How cool is this state?