Baby hippo!! Amahle was born February 8, making her 22 days old on March 1. Seems like a good time to visit. (And yes I’m keenly aware that it’s questionable to patronize a zoo and a vegan cruise where I learned about animal cruelty in the same weekend. I’m processing my feelings about zoos in light of the things I learned on the cruise.)
I can’t remember the last time I visited the zoo. It’s probably been a decade or so.
Bashor Bridge takes you through the treetops.
The view of Balboa Park from the bridge.
Found the hippos! Look at those little ears!! Baby Amahle and her mom, Funani, had several enthusiastic visitors, from small children to adults (a few of whom were jogging through the grounds chanting, “hip-PO, hip-PO, hip-PO”). Amahle is Funani’s 13th calf! They were having swimming lessons. Baby hippos can’t hold their breath all that long, so the lesson consisted of Funani pushing Amahle into deeper water while Amahle tried to swim back to where they’d started, and they just sort of went in adorable circles.
Your PSA for today.
Koalas! They hang onto a handful of eucalyptus and zonk out.

Animals doing stuff!