On the way home from New Orleans I swung wide for a 24-hour stopover in New York. (I think it rained for all 24 of those hours, so I didn’t get a lot accomplished.)
But I did accomplish the important things! As far as Broadway musicals go, few make me as happy as the original Book of Mormon cast recording with Andrew Rannells as Elder Price and Josh Gad as Elder Cunningham. It’s probably the CD that would play if you went and started the Mustang right now. (I’m on my second CD, actually, as I managed to broil the first one at some point on my trip around the country last year.)

So when the announcement came out this summer about Andrew Rannells and Josh Gad returning to Broadway in Gutenberg! The Musical! I bought a ticket immediately. Hence the plan to go home from New Orleans via the James Earl Jones Theater on 48th St. (Since I was last there, they’ve added a welcome recording from James Earl Jones that goes something like, “Hello, I’m James Earl Jones. You might know me from such things as, ‘Luke, I am your father.'”)
My dinner before the show was from Spring Cafe, an all-vegan Asian-American fusion restaurant in Chinatown. I got the Love Fresh Juice (apple, celery, carrot, beet, lemon, and turmeric) and the bao bun combo with one braised tofu skin (tofu skin, pickled mustard greens, sugar peanut, and cilantro) and one vegan BBQ pork (vegan pork, lettuce, and cucumber).
And of course, in the morning on my way out of town, I stopped for breakfast at Tomkins Square Bagel.
Is there a more perfect food? I think not.