Breakfast in Ocean City. Bagels and sticky buns from nearby shops.

Followed with some home-made tofu scramble and some tasty maple veggie breakfast strip.
Plus some leftovers from the previous night.

Some of the nearby homes on the walk to the beach.

The path through the dunes to the bay.
I’m fascinated with this beach fence.

Horseshoe crab.
The beach is shallow for quite a ways. 
The ice cream truck hangs out by the beach entrance.
Back to the boardwalk just as it is closing. Sandy Land peanuts.
Mini golf.
A Christmas store!

The Disney Christmas tree.

This store was really cool. They have hermit crabs living in painted shells. You can buy a hermit crab starter kit and get the crab for free. They also have tons of movie posters and random tees and sweat pants.

Horseshoe and hermit crabs. We found a horseshoe crab flipped over and tried to help him out, but in addition to being heavy, horseshoe crabs are slippery, so it was tricky. The hermit crabs live in fancy painted shell homes in some stores on the boardwalk.