One of the houses in San Timoteo Canyon got rivers of mud through it on December 22. The roads weren’t open for a while–firemen went in on foot to check on residents. But after Christmas we were able to drive up and try to help dig out of the mud.
 We attempted to clear out the six inches of mud in the garage and to make part of the driveway a bit clearer.
 The view from the garage down the first part of the driveway.
 The next part of the driveway, which goes to the street. The mud was a cross between chocolate mousse and quicksand. Jello-y and slurpy.
 We also tried to shovel mud away from the house into the path of the tractors which were pushing or pulling it out to the street.
 The backyard. Mud filled and covered the swimming pool.
Back in Loma Linda, on my way home from digging mud. One of the cul-de-sacs by the railroad tracks.